We couldn’t help but chuckle here at Overdrive HQ when we saw a particular press release blast from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s halls a couple weeks back now. Its title, “Latest Survey Shows DOT Employee Satisfaction on the Rise,” read to our trucking ears like a piece of news full of all manner of comic, satirical potential, given the daily discontent we hear from the trucking public about the department’s continual mucking up/messing with the hours rules, the equipment rules, the medical rules, the enforcement rules… Name any area of DOT jurisdiction and you can probably note a significant change to have come about in the last few years. Perhaps DOT’s so satisfied because they feel empowered doing their jobs to the utmost potential — they’re making a difference, things are changing. While the reasons for all the change are no doubt laudable in many cases, they’re also debatable, and some changes, well, are just not so easy to put into motion.
At least somebody’s happy, eh? How about you? Sound off in the comments here or on Overdrive‘s Facebook page…