Drivers, meet the Holloway Sisters, Michelle (right) and Sondra, both of whom we met here next to Jimmy Jabo’s custom 1953 Ford F100 on the grounds of Chilhowee Park in Knoxville, Tenn. at the Southeastern Regional Truck Show a couple weekends back. The sisters performed with their family band, Outta the Blue, headed up with mother and father Nancy and David (also pictured below), well before trucking troubadour Leland Martin took the stage.
And speaking of jokes, here’s one from Grundy County, Tenn., native James Sanders, President of Sanders Transportation Management and a sort of “inside consultant,” he says, to Pacific Financial (I spoke to him regarding the broker bond increase issues I’ve written about here recently). He tells it specific to Monteagle, Tenn., where he’s originally from, but you could probably insert any old locale and it’d do the trick. Here goes…
So a long-hauler gets pulled over by a local officer up at the top of Monteagle Mountain by a Grundy County deputy. The officer checks his log book and scans his load, after a time, the driver looks down and sees the deputy staring hard at his driver’s license.

“Where you from, driver?” he says.
“Chicago,” the driver says.
And the deputy then looks up with a gaze suggesting the satisfaction of a job well done. “You better get your stories straight, son. This license here says ‘Illinois.'”
Enjoy the vid:
[youtube GIZduw3YhWY nolink]