This very question was posed by the host of Volvo’s Wednesday, September 5, “magical hour” of entertainment, an event held to unveil their new European FH cabover and streamed live from the main-event location in Gothenburg, Sweden, as well as cities such as Madrid, Rotterdam, Birmingham (England) and Paris.
Faith Dickey (pictured here with the event host and attendees looking on), the wire
Though Volvo Trucks’ North American representative Brandon Borgnan told me “we can’t speculate on future product plans, but I can tell you that there are no immediate plans to introduce the FH in the North American market,” you can check out some of the truck’s details in the videos below. Former Overdrive Equipment Editor John Baxter noted on our Facebook page that “I’m watching [the reveal event] because an earlier new version of the FH was introduced in 1993. Many of its innovations were later found in the VN [stateside], so the next U.S. conventional Volvo will likely share stuff with the new FH.”

OK, now for the answer:
[youtube KbFIL8I6k0I nolink]
[youtube Sv18dCXbnOY nolink]