A few pics of readers’ recent loads, shared via the upload form on our main page. Share yours today!
This middle section of a 300-foot-tall windmill tower was sent in by reader Paul Goldstein. It was hauled from San Diego, Calif., to Jawbone Canyon by the 2009 Peterbilt 367, powered by a 600-hp Cummins with an 18-speed transmission and two-speed rears. Load weight: 106,000 lbs.
This one of Jerry Hawley’s recent loads he says shows “quite a variety.” Commendations might well be in order for getting it all strapped down…
Darrell Hendrix sent in this pic — of the “135-ft. long vessel” hauled. Nice work!
Overheard on Channel 19, vicinity of Lexington, Ky., January 31, 10:40 a.m. EST
When a potential heckler/joker/mocker announces himself on the CB, sometimes things come to a fitting end, though it might take a little longer than would be ideal.
Voice1: Breaker 1 – 9, any of you drivers looking for a dog?
[Silence, count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…]
Voice2: Hey what’d the driver say?
Voice3: Sounded like he’s got himself a doll.
Voice2: That’s what I thought I heard.
Voice4: I think that’s D – O – G as in “dog,” driver.
Voice3: Anybody else hear “dog?”
Voice5 (female): What kind of dog?
Voice3: Got no room for it myself.

Voice2: Driver, come on. What kind of dog are we talking about?
Voice5 (female): Thank you, driver. What kind of dog?
Voice6: I think he ought to take his radio and throw it out the window.
He may have. As long as I was in range, he was never heard from again…