More GoPro trucking-vid magic from Caleb Christner

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Updated Jun 18, 2013


Find Caleb and Don Christner’s latest collaborative trucking-vid project via the embedded video below.Find Caleb and Don Christner’s latest collaborative trucking-vid project via the embedded video below.

Since I wrote about the father-son trucking-video-making team of professional driver Don and 12-year-old videographer Caleb Christner in this post a month and more ago, the latter has gotten out of school for the summer and he and Don have gone trucking again. “I have been making more runs with his GoPro camera,” Don wrote me, this time “at 11,900 feet on a narrow two-lane road with no guard rails, no shoulders, no runaway-truck ramps, and no do-overs!”

That’s right: Caleb turned his lens this time on Loveland Pass in Colorado. Enjoy the video below, which he and Don collaborated on shooting, Don’s wife then “edited the files into a video,” Don says.

[youtube VNlAWh_ENlI nolink]

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