3rd Grade Class from Valley Elementary located in Pike County, KentuckyNow that judging is over I can share our final…
Posted by Erica Renee Rowe on Tuesday, April 3, 2018
It looks to be an NJL Trucking rig in this video by Pike County, Ky., 3rd-grade students, put together as part of a grade-wide project with teacher Erica Rowe (the lyrics to the Taylor Swift “Shake It Off” parody are also pictured in the post). After the regional competition in which it was entered was said and done — this awesome vid garnered a third, go figure — Rowe posted it to Facebook for parents.
It was then, reported WYMT TV, that it began to garner thousands of views and likes there, well above what you might expect for such. It’s sitting at nearly 200,000 as of this writing, which I’d say well over-qualifies for viral when it comes to class-project vids. Here’s to these over-achievers, no doubt.
It’s well worth a watch just for the sheer exuberance on offer. And tip your miner’s helmet to reader Bubba Slade, who told me about it, a bit of a fun item for a mid-week day, I thought.
And, incidentally, not the first time I’ve written about a parody video of this particular song. You might remember then Big G Express driver Sikeyer “Keda” White’s “Drive it Off” parody put together with company reps some years back.
“Mine the Coal,” as the Pike students’ parody is called, is mostly about mining work, but one stanza definitely pays its respects to the work of coal haulers the students’ backdrop suggests:
I’m drivin’ down the road (drivin’ down the road)
I load the truck before I go (truck before I go)
Haulin’ coal is what I know (mm-hmm)
Haulin’ coal is what I know (mm-hmm)
Nice work, students!