The 40th annual Shell Rotella SuperRigs truck show, primarily for working trucks, officially kicked off Thursday at the Branson Landing along the banks of the White River in Branson, Missouri. The show runs through Saturday afternoon.
As of Thursday, there were approximately 50 trucks -- all in pristine, show-worthy condition -- on display with something for fans of all types of trucks, from conventionals to cabovers and antiques to newer builds. As is often the case for SuperRigs, owners are likely to continue to enter and park up through Friday.
Here, catch a sample. And if you're in the area, come by and check out the hard work these owners and drivers have put into these rigs.
Keep tuned for show results, and plenty more over the next weeks about these and other tractors at SuperRigs. is the go-to platform for the Trucking industry. Don’t just find the job you need; find the job you want with the company that wants you!
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