Q:What is the best method for cutting the frame when stretching the wheelbase by 4 to 5 feet? We have seen several types of angles and the cuts made in different locations, from right behind the cab to just forward of the drivers. – Bob Talle, Warren, Mich.
A: When going that long we would actually order new frame rails with all the holes pre-punched from PG Adams. This is the most durable route to go but does require more work. If you are confident in your fabrication skills, though, stretching is best done adding onto the rear section of the truck’s frame. Stagger the cuts so they are not directly across from each other. You will want to install liners where you have made your extensions. We use 10- to 12-foot frame liners for reinforcement. Put in new cross-members, which do double duty to hold in the liner. Then move the suspension back to the new rails and remount and tighten all your bolts. – Alex Gobel, Outlaw Customs