Cheri was a stay home mom of four, while I drove truck for 23 years and she would always say, “Once the kids are all grown, I’m going to get licensed and team with you.” and sure enough, she did it! We’ve run teams for more than two years now. Cheri loves excitement, new situations, adventure and anything unusual or different. She makes friends with everyone, literally people from all walks of life and she will do anything to help a person out. Everyone she meets, love her in minutes. She has this positive glowing energy that radiates off her and it makes you feel good just being in her presents. She is energetic, funny, lovable, layed back, and loyal to the core. When our 16 year old daughter was killed in ’07, everyone fell apart, but amazingly, after a few years of nerve pills, sleeping pills, and falling to a drastic 100lbs, Cheri just got up one day and said it time to get back to living and she did, all the while pulling us all along until we was able to stand again too. She is the glue that has held our whole family together and everyone is utterly amazed at how strong she is. She is beautiful inside and out and everyone will tell you, she deserves to be recognized for the amazingly strong women she is.

Nominated by husband, John Mills