The Mack bulldog has something to bark about: His website was named one of “10 Great B-to-B Sites” by BtoB (as in business to business), a marketing magazine.
The site does what it needs to do simply and well for the company with a 100-year-old history, says the review. Visitors can easily find what they need about Mack trucks and engines, locate to a dealer, or find parts and service support. A special section on selective catalytic reduction allows users to post questions that get answered by an expert.
The review’s “expert commentary” comes from Kara Pernice, managing director of Nielsen Norman Group:
“The company really did its research when it came to figuring out what its visitors want to know about the trucks. You know exactly what the trucks are supposed to do, and the company integrates the logo … throughout the site in a fun way. You know instantly that this is Mack Trucks versus Mercedes-Benz. The company integrates photos well, and it’s very easy to actually purchase a truck using the dealer and truck locators.”
Another of the 10 selected sites is a logistics company, FreightCenter.
It’s always good to see trucking industry companies get well-deserved recognition in mainstream media.