I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate everyone and everything they do at Overdrive. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy getting your magazine in the mail each month. My wife has learned over the years that every time I come home to a new issue she can expect to be by herself again for the next couple of hours while I pour over each and every page. She’s even gone as far as waiting until I was headed out the door on another trip and hiding my new issue in my duffel bag because she wanted me to pay more attention to her than Overdrive — how sad is that?
In my opinion, Overdrive is the crème de la crème over all other trucking publications — sorry, Land Line. I especially love the DIY maintenance and repair articles and would love to see more of those. One more thing I would like to see: a “consumer reports”-type section. There are a lot of products out there and it would be great to see how reliable they actually are before we put down our hard-earned cash.
–Owner-operator Ray McClellan, Statesville, N.C.
Thanks for the tips, Ray! In terms of your section idea, we try to get the best information we can from users of products as they become available, and we’ll double down on that in future. I think you’ll enjoy what we’re doing with maintenance topics here in the electronic environment as well. We’ve combined many into an ebook available via etrucker.com/store, and search the archives via the main page for all of our recent-past how-tos. Find a list of several, too, in this post. And keep your eyes open for more test-drives in the future as well. Check out the current June issue for Steve Sturgess’ run in the new Mack Pinnacle.