Truckers have a lot on their plate when hauling watercraft across state lines, particularly if hauling oversize/overweight boats long distances, and especially if that travel includes Western states as a destination. Safety, permits, travel routes, weather, mountain passes, fuel stops, navigating a network of mandatory watercraft inspection stations: These are just a few topics top-of-mind for interstate watercraft haulers.
In 2021, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission launched an effort to make it easier and more efficient for truckers to haul watercraft across state lines. The Commission created Call Before You Haul, a 24-7 hotline (844-311-4873) truckers can call to ensure compliance with state laws.
Here's how it works: Prior to hauling a boat, the trucker calls the toll-free number and provides details about the type, source, and destination of the watercraft being hauled. The destination state or province is notified, then calls the trucker back to arrange a free inspection -- and if necessary, decontamination.
The hauler avoids fines, delays, and the spread of aquatic invasive species by adhering to state and federal laws. And once the notification is made through the hotline, although individual state laws still require truckers to stop at each inspection station, the watercraft is “in” the hotline system, and as such is expedited through each inspection station, preventing delays.

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What's an 'aquatic invasive species?'
The author of this story, Lisa DeBruyckere, offered this flier image illustrating the toll-free number set up by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, where she works as a contractor.
These invasive species hitchhike on trailered watercraft in places that can be seen, like the trailer and the boat hull, and in places that cannot be seen, such as in the boat motor or bilge pump areas. Aquatic invasive species come in all sizes and forms -- they can be as small as something that can only be seen under a microscope (for example, the spiny waterflea), or something as large as a giant goldfish.
What you can do to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species: First, ensure the boat you are hauling is:
- Clean (remove all plants, animals, and mud from the boat and trailer)
- Drained (empty all water from the wells, ballast, and engines, and pull the drain plug)
- Dry (ensure the boat is thoroughly dry prior to transport).
- Second, call the hotline and arrange for an inspection of your watercraft.
After that, call the hotline to arrange for inspection of the craft.
Truckers that participate in Call Before You Haul:
- Are legal: States and provinces mandate compliance with aquatic invasive species regulations, and most prevent the interstate transport of these species.
- Protect the environment: Aquatic invasive species disrupt ecosystems, harm native species, and degrade water quality.
- Help prevent economic losses: Boating, tourism, and recreation industries depend on healthy waterways.
- Address a key vector of aquatic invasive species transport: One-third of invasive mussel-infested boats intercepted in the Pacific Northwest are commercially hauled.
- Support industry growth: "Clean, drained, and dry" practices protect truckers, dealers and buyers alike. The trucking industry benefits from a healthy boating industry.
For more information about the Call Before You Haul program, follow this link to the website of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.
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