One way we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Overdrive‘s Pride & Polish is by looking back at the 30 most-popular Pride & Polish show truck videos from our YouTube page.
We are counting down the videos from the No. 30 to the No. 1 most-viewed Pride & Polish video leading up to the 2020 Pride & Polish competition at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, which will be held Aug. 27-29.
Up this week at No. 29 is Augusta, Georgia-based Ben Cadle’s 2013 Freightliner Coronado, “Dream Catcher,” which won first place in the Bobtail – 2011 and Newer category at GATS Pride & Polish in 2015. The video above was captured during the 2015 Pride & Polish event in Crossville, Tennessee.
Be sure to subscribe to Overdrive‘s Custom Rigs free weekly newsletter to catch all of our Pride & Polish 30th anniversary coverage.