Custom Rigs
Tag: Bill Aboudi
Channel 19
Rumblings of protest out West in wake of California contractor law
A look at one of several flyers going around the Oakland port calling for protest November 4. One watcher believes they’re coming from owner-ops there and elsewhere in the state frustrated with what they’re being told in consultation with companies they contract with for freight about changes in the wake of California’s independent contractor classification law.
October 25, 2019
Next emissions deadline will ban more trucks
For port-truck owner-operators and those running elsewhere in California, Jan. 1, 2023, is the day by which trucks must be emissions-compliant with a 2010 or newer emissions-specification engine.
February 11, 2019
A small fleet v. the Teamsters
AB Trucking owner Bill Aboudi’s more than decade-long battle with union-inspired litigation and other efforts targeting his small fleet at the Port of Oakland: “I told the union, ‘I disagree with your assessment that all these guys actually want to be employees.'”
February 8, 2019
Intermodal Muddle
New regs fall short of getting roadworthy chassis for container haulers.
March 1, 2011
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