Siblings are often thrilled to discover one another’s antics and adventures, as one of OverdriveRetro’s comment posts attests to: “Very informative and interesting story,” Larry Stewart wrote about “Al’s truck stop among the wildest” on Readers Remember. “I learned things about someone I’ve known my whole life. John Stewart is my older brother.”
Larry Stewart, a renowned sports journalist with the Los Angeles Times for 30 years before he retired, says he was very pleased to see his brother’s byline in the story about one lively truck stop.
His comment, like so many others posted in response to readers’ stories and features on OverdriveRetro, help build a virtual truck stop of days gone by, when truckers chatted at stops, had a cup of coffee together, caught up with one another on their CBs and shared tips on how to avoid speed traps – or what stops had the best mechanics. Another reader, produce hauler Larry Farkas, commiserated with Bian Kimball’s story about produce hauling out of Florida, noting a big “thank you” for the story.
As the magazine approaches its 50th anniversary in September, Overdrive’s editors encourage you to send in your own trucking memories. Perhaps in doing so, you’ll find a buddy you figured you’d never hear from again and strike up a renewed camaraderie.