Wendy Parker’s blog: ‘Funniest thing I’ve seen this week!’

Updated Sep 17, 2012

So contended a commenter on Overdrive‘s Facebook page when we prompted fans for tales of the most humorous thing they’d encountered over the course of the week. It wasn’t the only bit of praise received for our website’s newest blogger, telling tales of her time on the road with her owner-operator husband, George.

Among others responding with mirth to Parker’s no-holds-barred wit, refreshing honesty and good humor were a large contingent of female drivers and male drivers’ spouses. Also on Facebook, Rebecca Allison had this to say: “She is hilarious and telling it straight and honest! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing. As a trucker’s wife who can’t go on the road with him, your postings keep me smiling!”

Catch Parker’s tales daily via the George & Wendy Show blog.

P.S.: As for other humorous incidents, Facebook commenter John Torrieri III made note of “an actual air conditioner put in a passenger side window of an old cabover at the Petro in Atlanta. Whatever it takes to keep cool!” Here here.

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