@channel19todd early morning in Milton Ontario and west bound at Putnam. Today different story. All open waiting for those early inspections
— Guy Broderick (@GuyBroderick) June 4, 2015
Day two of the Roadcheck inspection blitz around the nation got going with Overdrive‘s original report (at the bottom of this post), readers sounding off on just where the action was — and wasn’t — on day one. On D.J. Mark Willis’ Road Dog Trucking News Sirius XM Channel 128 program the afternoon of Wednesday, June 3, callers wondered whether the blitz was much more than a hype fest, in a lot of respects.
Reports across Pennsylvania, and on major lanes between Charlotte, N.C., and Indianapolis, Ind., in addition to parts of Texas and throughout areas in many Western states, suggested little in the way of bumped-up inspection activity, they said.
Meantime, in response to the original story, readers continued to share reports heading into the third and final day of the blitz, some reporting activity (see below for a more complete round-up).
Shady Hauck, wondering just “why would DOT say, ‘Hey on this day we will be out checking you’?”, went on to suggest some states may well just be sticking to their routine fixed-station inspection programs, or delaying the all-hands-on-deck-at-the-weigh-station approach that is typical of Roadcheck to another time.
David W. Elwin: “They will do as they did last year — spread it throughout the month.”

Hutch Palmer: Full house [Tuesday] west of Kansas City, Kan., on I-70
Shawn Davenport: I’ve seen nothing on I-80 in Nebraska.
Robert Quate: Illinois I-70/55 WB heading into St Louis, Mo., was the only place inspecting, and WB 70 at Indiana open when I came through. New Paris, Ohio, closed too. No EB has been open [Tuesday].
Eugene Preteau: On I-380 in Iowa both sides were working [Tuesday], and I-90 South Dakota was doing inspections.
Mike Davis: I-380 NB in Iowa: 24 out of 40 inspections [Tuesday] OOS.
Greg Decker: BC is wound right up! Inspection sites at scales and pull-out areas. Very big presence.
Jack Curles: Non-factory holes in a brake chamber … OOS? 34 years in trucking, never heard of that one! One of our drivers yesterday at the Richmond, Va., scale.
Mike Miller: I-30 Texas was working hard [Wednesday] morning. I-30 in Hope, Ark., working hard both sides [Tuesday] night.
Shawn McGee: Prepasses turned off all over California. DOT officers checking for stickers on windows.
Tabathea Lynn: I-90 in Montana at the 41 MM rest area. Busy.
Paul Marion: Tuesday it was raining in Maine. I didn’t see anything Wednesday. It is sunny and I was off — I go back to work on Saturday!
Glade Proctor: Nothing going on in Montana, Idaho or Utah — I-90, I-15.
Daniel Pike: Scales on I-75 and I-85 in Georgia were open, but they weren’t doing anything.
John Sherwood: All Florida scales and Georgia open as usual.
Mike Bales: At least a dozen DOTs in the rest area on I-94, WB side, east of Bismarck, N.D.
Dan Kozick: I didn’t see anything in Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Maryland [Tuesday]. And [Wednesday] I didn’t see anything in Maryland or Virginia, but the 132 on I-81 NB was open.
Steven Copeland: Maryland is checking EB I-70, Frederick.
Paul M. Herring: Nothing, no DOT checks yet from Lodi, Ohio, to Chicago. Clear so far across I-80.
Kenny Wallen: Scale west of Des Moines on I-80 open all night [Tuesday] night and [Wednesday] had a few customers out back.
Brad Daugherty: Came from Cincy to Y-town. Quiet. WB 76 scales busy, though. Hearing Pennsylvania hard all over.
Paul Fortson I-80 top of the summit in Wyoming is in full effect.
Jon DeShane: I-10 El Paso to Houston all clear until you get to the EB scale West of Houston. Throwing a patio in that scale. I guess drivers are the party favor.
Amber Fowler: Working hard — Avoca, Iowa.
Scott Mooney: 76 in Denver, Colo., has its own road just for road checks — pulling all trucks in, picking them out, and pointing to the side to wait in line.
Aric Clinton: Illinois I-64 EB scale was open past midnight [Wednesday] morning with a full house.
Early on day one of the 72-hour Roadcheck enforcement effort ongoing nationwide, we asked fans of Overdrive‘s Facebook page what exactly they were seeing around the nation in terms of participation. Readers responded from locales around the nation throughout the morning and afternoon. Below, find a collection of some of the responses. (Follow this link to weigh in today under the original Facebook post.)

Many commenters wondered where all the activity was, given the hype leading into it. Others, like Dennis Schaaf, took the time off to attend to some maintenance. “Not seeing anything,” Schaaf wrote. “Working on my Honey-Do list. Sure will be glad when I get my truck out of the shop.”
Chris Harkins: Not seeing a thing from my living room!
Skooter Carswell: Nothing in Texas…. Most scales are closed.
James Olmstead: Upset. I get $100 for every clean inspection. And I can’t find anyone to give me one.
Jason Harvey: Chicken coops locked up in the three Western states I’ve been in today.
Seth Foster: 12 squad cars in the coop on the west side of Des Moines at 6:45 this morning.
Chris Gadarowski: Tennessee I-81 WB east of Knoxville was scaling all trucks earlier this morning.
Robert Thaveed: I-40 WB out of Arizona, lots of DOT. In California, it was closed on the WB side.
Jeff Guyton: Business as usual on my travel from north Alabama to north Virginia today. Seems like more hype than substance.
Bill Sypert: Typical day across Pennsylvania. Scale was open but nothing special
James Getten: Running Arizona and California. So far, all green lights on the PrePass.
Ken Frisbee: I-20 WB into Dallas [Tuesday] morning at about 6 a.m.: Inspection lane open and 5-6 trucks pulled in.
Jerry Shamlin: I am shut down in Utah till Friday.
Rick Umback: I-90 in Montana going west…. Nothing exciting going on here.