A growing part of the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas year in and year out since the 2014 inception of the Overdrive/Red Eye Radio Trucker Talent Search singer-songwriter competition has been a wealth of live performance by knights of the road who also know their way around a guitar. This past year’s late August event was no exception to that rule, with well-known names like Tony Justice, Bill Weaver, Brad James and our own sometime contributor “Long Haul Paul” Marhoefer showing up onstage and/or at various booth performances to give showgoers more than a few toe-tapping opportunities.
In addition to this year’s Trucker Talent Search contestants, two other singer-songwriters were conspicuous with performances on the stage at the truck parking area and at the Red Eye Radio stage and various exhibitor booths.
Overdrive caught part of owner-operator “Mississippi Ken” Freeman’s performance at the TruckersFinalMile.org booth on Friday, Aug. 24, at the show. Catch a video of a portion of it below, namely his “The Other Side of Us.” Freeman penned the track in part for his wife, Susan, as a tribute to the dedication that has allowed their marriage to flourish for 35 years as of their anniversary this year.
Also find below a video of East Tennessee-based Heniff Transportation driver Taylor Barker with a rendition of Keith Whitley’s “No Stranger to the Rain,” part of a round of covers and some original music Barker delivered to attendees from Red Eye Radio’s lobby stage as video crews from the Transportation Nation Network likewise looked on, as you’ll see.
You can hear a lot more from GATS, including Trucker Talent Search performances, via the “Music to Truck By” playlist below or by perusing our SoundCloud.com profile via this link.