Wednesday, September 4, the Trucking Solutions Group of owner-operators is hosting what they’re calling an “accident awareness” call that is open not only to professional drivers but to “anyone who touches a seatbelt,” says TSG member Vince Crisanti.
Questions addressed on the call are set to include:
- What should we do when we are in an accident?
- What should we do when we come upon an accident?
- What have you seen? What don’t you want to see?
Organizers hope the call, during which three professional truckers will detail some of their own on-highway experiences, will provide insight on “how to react at an accident if you are involved or if you come upon one.” Among presenters is a trucker who has been involved in a fatality accident in the past, a recent widow and others who will “tell their stories so they can help others.”
Say the organizers, “We believe that many accidents are preventable due to better decision making. All bad attitudes are preventable.”
Those who wish to participate can dial 605-313-5111, then code 312556#, at 4:25 p.m. CDT Wednesday, Sept. 4.