This is the third part of a three-part series on truckers’ personal safety, specifically as it relates to carrying weapons on the road. Part 1, available at this link, examines reasons why truckers would carry weapons on the road and the problems that arise from state to state variability in gun laws. See Part 2, which details stories of truckers who choose to carry and why, at this link.

Two in five respondents to an Overdrive survey about carrying weapons have the mistaken belief that a federal law prohibits truckers from carrying a gun in their vehicle. Instead, only states have such laws, but because they vary widely, compliance becomes complicated for any gun-toting driver engaged in interstate commerce.
That’s why there have been efforts among gun-rights groups to push for a federal permit that would allow truckers to carry across state lines. One recent one is Mike’s Law, now renamed Michael’s Law Amendment to 18 U.S. Code 926. It’s in honor of Michael Boeglin, an unarmed trucker who was fatally shot and burned in his truck in 2014 in Detroit.
The group pushing for this amendment, the Small Business in Transportation Coalition, hopes for support from U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and backing from the National Rifle Association.

NRA supports a bill put forward by U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) that would allow all gun owners with a state-issued concealed-carry license to have their license recognized in other states that allow concealed carry. One argument is that if a driver’s license works in every state, a concealed-carry permit should, too.
Neither proposal is close to passing at the moment. However, NRA is optimistic that expanding concealed-carry reciprocity has a good chance of approval under the Trump administration. More than 85 percent of respondents to an Overdrive poll say they would support such a measure.
Truckers who carry
See the stories behind why these truckers carry — or don’t — at the links below: