Don’t get caught asleep at the wheel when the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration moves forward with new health regulations, which will include screening and/or testing for sleep apnea.
To bring you up to speed on sleep apnea, Truckers News will host a free one-hour webinar on Feb. 11 at 8 p.m. (CST) featuring Dr. Mark Berger. The president and chief medical officer of Precision Pulmonary Diagnostics, will discuss how the disorder affects your health and how it could impact your CDL.
Berger has worked as consultant to large trucking fleets in developing sleep apnea programs. He has overseen the screening of nearly 15,000 commercial drivers and the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea in nearly 2,000 CDL holders.
Schneider National is sponsoring the webinar.
To register and see future webinars brought to you by the editors of Truckers News and Overdrive, click here.