Demand rising for spot market flat freight

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DAT-rates July 31 2013 spot segmentsAmong other supply and demand trends spotlighted in the Trendlines analysis of rates moving through DAT’s freight network, load volume rose 10 percent during the July 21-27 period for flat freight, prompting average rates to hold at a relatively strong position for late July, DAT reported. Though rates had been on the decline for all segments throughout the beginning part of the month, the final weeks saw a reversal of the trend in reefer ad flatbed both, as evidenced in the DAT graphic above right (click through the image for the full report).

Below find further snapshots from the monthly Trendlines report tracking rates for week-to-week and year-over-year comparisons, and find the full analysis via this link.

DAT-rates July 31 2013

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