Among respondents to Overdrive‘s 2015 survey who reported having tried vaping, a few in the “other” row shown in the chart below reported adverse effects, such as persistent sore throats or mouth-tissue issues.
One known problem for some would-be vapers is an allergic reaction – from mild to more pronounced – to the base liquid or one or more e-juice flavorings. Longtime vapers also stress that smokers making the switch often experience respiratory congestion, something anyone who’s quit smoking successfully may recognize. The allergy issue also lends credence to some recent municipal treatment of vaping indoors just like its traditional smoking counterpart: outright bans. As with smoking, vape with appropriate personal respect for space around others, vapers say.
Which of the following best describes your use of e-cigs/vaporizers?
Find more survey results via this link, or take an interactive tour through two vaping devices here.