Expedite Expo kicks off July 20

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Updated Mar 4, 2020
Robert Burton accepts the first-ever Expediter of the Year Award in 2017 at the Expo.Robert Burton accepts the first-ever Expediter of the Year Award in 2017 at the Expo.

The Expedite Expo is set to stage next week, July 20, and registration remains open and is free to drivers, owner-operators and expedited fleet owners. The two-day program and show offers all a chance to soak up new ideas and develop new business relationships “that can help you stack the odds of success in your favor,” organizers say.

It’s the only trade show geared exclusively to the owner-operator-heavy expedited segment of the trucking industry, running July 20-21 at the Lexington Center in downtown Lexington, Ky. In addition to a show floor featuring truck dealers, fleets, service providers and more, the ExpeditersOnline (EO) University Educational Sessions offered during the morning of each day of the show present a choice of more than 14 workshops answering such questions as:

  • What does it take to become a small fleet owner—and succeed at it?
  • How do I prepare my finances to buy a new truck?
  • What does it take to succeed as a van driver or owner-operator in expediting?
  • How should I equip my van for maximum productivity and comfort?
  • What are the keys to a good team relationship on the road?
  • How does the recent tax cut impact my business as an expedite owner-operator?
  • How do I get started in expedited trucking?

Other highlights include a Driver’s Choice Awards competition among trucks on display in the exhibit hall, with the winner presented on the final day, likewise the Expediter of the Year presentation. This year’s winner will be chosen among three finalists: Tim Paxton, an owner-operator with Barrett DirectLine; Nancy Hudson, a driver for A.D. Transport Express; and Eric Escobar, a fleet owner at Fudpuckers Expedited. Last year’s “Expediter of the Year” was Robert Burton, who donated his $500 prize to St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, a charity that helps drivers whose medical problems have led to financial hardship.

Formal networking roundtables focused around particular topics serve as a break between educational workshops, a panel discussion examines key industry trends, and entertainment on Friday night includes a casino experience. A “Drivers’ Whole Hog Roast” concludes the event beginning at 3:30 p.m. Saturday.

Potential attendees can register or learn more via ExpediteExpo.com/.

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