Quebec filmmaker debuts ‘Vapeurs diesel (Diesel fumes)’ documentary web series

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Alain 01Quebecker Alain Fournier (pictured, of a fashion) is a filmmaker focusing his efforts on fantasy work and — this is where we come in — online documentary. His first big web series, on YouTube and titled “Vapeurs Diesel” or “Diesel Fumes,” looks at long-haul truckers, among them the character of “Big John,” featured in the snapshot you’ll see below. Though the portrayal of John in this clip lacks much depth, and the wisdom imparted is perhaps less than original, if sound — of the “Respect  the road and the road will respect you” variety — over the course of the series Fournier at least seems to be rounding out his and other characters a little better.

Moving toward an eventual 13 episodes, this one is No. 8, and Fournier’s adding a new snapshot every week. It’s also worth a look for the production values, which are quite high for a YouTube series. Give Fournier’s work a look at

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