And who better than the nation’s owner-operators and truck drivers to identify the trouble spots in need of the most attention? Though keeping up with construction performance is a moving target, and one where a single jarring muscle memory can persist for decades, from Overdrive‘s many years covering state-to-state highway construction performance via our formerly annual highway report card, we know of a couple of the most common washboard-like scofflaws. At the same time, it’s been a couple years since our last report card: who’s doing the best job today? The worst? Tell us and the world your thoughts in the comments here.
How to save fuel: ‘Fix the roads!’ researchers say
Overdrive Radio
Pride & Polish
Overdrive’s annual Pride & Polish virtual truck show attracts entries from across the nation showcasing show-quality design, mechanical ingenuity and plenty of trucking-business pride. Find recent-history awards shows, in-depth features about the winners, and more.
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