A&E’s new ‘Shipping Wars’ series trailer vid — and the operators featured

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Updated Dec 22, 2011

MarcspringerThere’s a new reality-TV series coming January 10, with back-to-back episodes at 9 and 9:30 p.m., EST and PST, to the A&E network. You may have heard a little about it already here in Overdrive. The trailer vid for the Shipping Wars show is embedded below, and I thought I’d take a moment to introduce the hotshot haulers (and one Class 8 driver) involved.

The show springs from producers’ involvement with the folks behind the uShip.com online freight marketplace, which if you’re not familiar with it allows for owner-operators to bid on freight in real time via an eBay-like system. It’s an appropriately competitive arena, given the earnings-contest nature of the show, following on other A&E programs about various businesses, from Parking Wars (about Philadelphia tow-truck operators) to Storage Wars (about the storage auction business).

Among the operators competing for the most earnings on the show is Class 8 hauler Marc Springer (pictured), in business for just under a year. The remainder:

Jennifer Brennan

**Jennifer Brennan (also pictured), a rookie hauler who began hauling livestock and has expanded into more exotic hauls, such as a water buffalo and a million-dollar Ferrari.

**Jarrett Joyce, in business for several months.

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**Roy Garber, a two-year owner-operator and one of the top earners among the contestants going into the competition.

**Veteran husband-wife team Scott and Suzanne Bawcom of Dream Time Transportation. Scott is a former bomb squad specialist in Iraq turned trucker, with Suzanne working the back office and occasionally jumping in a second truck in the business.

Keep an eye out for the Jan. 10 premiere. And for now, here’s that trailer.

[youtube yV6CTqduv-I nolink]

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