“The men and women out here driving these trucks, they’re like the blood coursing the veins of our interstate system, keeping the country alive.” –George Parker
I can’t emphasize enough how excited I was to hear yesterday that Texomatic Pictures’ Tex Crowley had released as Lucky No. 13 in his exceptional “Life of a Trucker” series of brief operator profile video interviews a bit of a look at none other than Landstar-leased flatbedder George Parker. Many of you will no doubt know Parker as the better half (no offense intended, Wendy … -ed.) of the George & Wendy Show team. (Catch the latest from Wendy’s excellently irreverent and at once straight-up serious blog of the same name at this link here on OverdriveOnline.)
As for the video, shot in September at the Guilty by Association Truck Show at 4 State Trucks in Joplin, Mo., Crowley’s put together another good look at a slice of trucking, through the eyes and from the voice of the stand-up human being behind the wheel.
George — I think I can safely call him a friend at this point — certainly fits that description. Enjoy it (followed by the remaining 12 in Crowley’s series) at the head of the playlist below.
[youtube p7ood8eavts&list=PLc1lg9rs1dUBjTIcd7D4XmgIH1PUSR6vC nolink]