Trucker Martin Hill wrote in with a recommendation suitable for anyone who recognizes the dangers of an overly sedentary lifestyle. As he puts it, “Sitting kills!” Getting a decent workout in, whether a long walk or a high-intensity run or bike or climb or good ol’ vigorous strap-and-tarp job, is not always easy this time of year, when the mercury might be well upward of at least slightly comfortable levels in many areas. (That’s to say nothing of six months from now in other — or even some of the same — areas, with frigid temps, wind, snow, ice.)
Earlier this year, Hill and his wife put to use a new stepper machine in the Marcy MS69 Mini Stepper, which weighs about 15 pounds and utilizes hydraulic shocks to provide resistance, and comes with resistance bands for the upper body that can be utilized as well.

Hill and his wife “already make a point to do our weights and jump-rope exercise three times a week. We also walk when we can,” he says.
At once, on-highway, the stepper machine fills the gap left by inclement weather and/or other unfavorable elements of the environs in which they find themselves. Hills calls it “really perfect, primo, for truck use. A half-hour on this thing for me results in a better workout,” with more sweat, “than two hours of walking.”

The small size of the unit makes it relatively easy to find a place for storage on the truck.
“Truth be told, I generally don’t even like steppers,” Hill says. “I’d prefer to exercise outdoors. But this machine is very comfortable to use.”