Cast a wide net when searching for your over-the-road soul mate
Dear Carolyn,
Carolyn Magner is not a professional therapist, shrink or even a very nice person. Her advice is meant to entertain you, not solve your terrible, desperate problems. Email Carolyn at [email protected].I have been a single truck driver for the past eight years, and let me tell you, it has been really hard being by myself. The only good thing in my life is getting my two girls every other weekend.
Check out different interest groups where people are organized around topics such as politics, health, fitness or trucking advocacy. Be kind and courteous when you post comments. Talk about your daughters and your interests.
What I would like to know is: Where are all the single women truck drivers hanging out on the Web? Are there websites where single women truck drivers are looking for a good trucking man? I would love to find a good woman that I could fall deeply in love with and spend the rest of my life giving her all my love. I own a very nice house in a great neighborhood in a little town in Texas. I have been working for my trucking company for 12 years now. I drive on a team truck, so I would love to find a woman that would be interested in driving team with me.
Dear John,
I don’t know where all the single ladies hang out on the Web, but I know I’ve met some really great truckers on Facebook. Check out different interest groups where people are organized around topics such as politics, health, fitness or trucking advocacy. Be kind and courteous when you post comments. Talk about your daughters and your interests. Cast a big net. Meanwhile, any single ladies out there who have some advice for John? He sounds like a very nice guy.

I’m just say’n.
Beware the teenage years
Dear Carolyn,
My husband and I are the proud parents of twin baby boys. We waited a long time to have children and could not be more excited. That said; life has really changed for us. We are so tired at the end of the day and barely exchange words. I know we shouldn’t put romance on the back burner, but I’m too worn out to care. When my husband is on the road, I’m doing this alone. When he’s home, we do it together but it still seems like constant exhaustion. How do people get through this stage of life?
Dear Cassie,
One day at a time. It may not seem possible, but they grow up and leave. Try to squeeze in a few minutes to connect with your husband. Schedule a babysitter when you can. Laugh. Enjoy. Things will get better. And then, just when life seems sweet — they will turn into teenagers. That fresh hell will make newborns seem like a walk in the park.
I’m just say’n.
Choose happiness first
Dear Carolyn,
What happens when two control freaks marry each other? My fiancée has to have her way on every little detail. So do I. We try to give in to keep the peace, but neither of us likes to be wrong.
Help. Should we keep trying or just call it a day?
Dear Jake,
Those people who are always wrong really annoy those of us who are always right. What you have to decide is: Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right? If you choose happiness, you’ll have to bend a little bit. Even if she doesn’t.
Can you do that? Think about it.
I’m just say’n.