Here’s a list of the states who have issued waivers:
Arkansas: Gov. Mike Beebe has issued a state of emergency declaration that exempts carriers and drivers carrying liquified petroleum gas and those carrying any load that provides” direct assistance in providing emergency relief,” according to the declaration. The exemption is in effect until Jan. 17.
Connecticut: The state’s DMV granted an exemption beginning Jan. 10 for drivers hauling gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil and propane in the state. Drivers must have a copy of the exemption with them. Click here to download. The exemption expires at 11:59 p.m. Jan. 16.
Kentucky: The state’s DOT issued a declaration of emergency to exempt propane transporters from hours of service rules until 12:01 a.m., Jan. 28.
Maine: Gov. Paul LePage has issued an emergency proclamation that exempts drivers carrying heating fuel and bulk petroleum from federal hours-of-service regulations. The exemption lasts until Jan. 18.
Massachussetts: Gov. Deval Patrick’s declaration of emergency for waived HOS rules for carriers and drivers transporting “fuels necessary for the continues heating of homes and businesses.” It lasts until 11:59 p.m., Jan. 12.

Michigan: Gov. Rick Snyder has issued a waiver of hours-of-service rules for drivers hauling propane, in an attempt to mitigate propane shortages and delivery delays in the state. The order only applies to propane haulers. The waiver is in effect until 11:59 p.m., Jan. 10.
Minnesota: Gov. Mark Dayton signed an emergency executive order that allows relief of hours-of-service rules in the state for carriers and drivers hauling propane and those carrying fuel. The waiver for propane haulers lasts until Feb. 9. The waiver for haulers carrying fuel oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, ethanol and biodiesel lasts until Feb. 7.
Missouri: An emergency delcration from Missouri’s Department of Public Safety waives hours-of-service rules for carriers “who participate in emergency relief efforts.” Any carrier with loads aiding in emergency relief efforts or carrying essential services and supplies is exempt, the waiver says. The waiver lasts until 11:59. p.m. Jan. 13.
New Hampshire: The state has issued a declaration of emergency that waives HOS rules for drivers and carriers hauling propane, gasoline, diesel and fuel oil to distributors, homes, businesses and government buildings within the state. Drivers must have a copy of the Declaration of Emergency Notice with them. The waiver lasts until 11:59 p.m., Jan. 11.
New Jersey: Gov. Chris Christie issued an exemption to drivers hauling propane and other heating fuel within the state. The exemption lasts until Jan. 31. The exemption originally was set to expire this week, but Christie signed an exemption Jan. 8.
Ohio: The state’s Public Utilities Commission issued the regulatory relief Jan. 6, waiving HOS rules for drivers hauling motor fuels, heating oil and propane in the state. The waiver expires Jan. 10 at 11:59 p.m.
Oklahoma: Gov. Mary Fallin issued an executive order that suspended HOS rules for drivers transporting liquefied petroleum gas within the state. It lasts until Feb. 5.
Vermont: The state has waived the hours rules for carriers hauling propane to distributors in Vermont. The waiver applies only to those hauling propane from terminal to local distributors, according to the declaration. It lasts until 11:59 p.m., Jan. 13.
Wisconsin: Gov. Scott Walker issued an executive order to allow carriers and drivers “in the process of obtaining or transporting propane” to be exempt from hours of service rules until 11:59 p.m.. on Jan. 22.
This list will be updated if other states waive rules.