Custom Rigs
Tag: Bob Stanton: Page 2
Channel 19
Sleep apnea twilight zone in California: The strange trials of Greg Price
Price’s story illustrates that when faced with a bureaucratic mistake, followed quite clearly by bureaucratic insolence, persistence for what is right and correct and true can ultimately win the day.
July 23, 2015
Can an employer fire or refuse to hire me on account of a sleep apnea diagnosis?
Following the 2008 amendment of the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers must make reasonable accommodations for drivers with sleep apnea, says Truckers for a Cause cofounder and driver Bob Stanton.
September 8, 2014
How to address sleep apnea risk
On your terms…. And what to expect for treatment if you are diagnosed.
September 5, 2014
Guilty until proven innocent: Answering key sleep-apnea questions
As new medical certification processes come into play, more drivers are being asked to get sleep apnea testing. Some are asking questions, getting varied answers – and being taken off the road prematurely.
September 4, 2014
The Apnea Hurdle
Coming regulations would force reckoning with a condition common to truckers. And that’s not all that could make passing the medical exam even harder.
February 1, 2012
Channel 19
Driver action on sleep apnea, CSA, EOBRs, cross-border trucking
Regular readers will recall my post from last month following the first annual Truck Driver Social Media Convention, which spurred on driver advocate Frederick Schaffner to be a presence in D.C. at the November meeting of the FMCSA’s Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committtee. There, a large part of the discussion was devoted to standards for […]
November 23, 2011
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