Results are in from polling that got going a week ago with Part 1 of my Year in Review: four in ten operators are staring down a year that they expect to be categorically better than the previous one, from a business perspective. Optimism could well be expected, given the above-average rate picture this year, the late downturn in diesel prices and the late-year regulatory victory that was the rollback of the restart restrictions introduced in 2013, as noted one commenter under the poll here at “The rollback of the reset rules and lower fuel prices made it better already.”
Owner-operators’ business forecast for 2015
At the same time, comparing the results to those of a similar poll conducted over the period heading into 2014 a year ago, it’s easy to see that uncertainty is up among readers, with a quarter of poll respondents declining to forecast the coming year — only just slightly more than one in ten did the same last year.
Nonetheless, as owner-operator Michael Wright had it, “The company I am leased to is expanding slowly and bringing in some good people that have proven track records. My average per-loaded-mile rate has been steadily going up, and I expect a good Winter and Spring. The rest of the year, we shall see… Anything can happen, but so far, I am optimistic.”
What do you think?