The infographic below came across the transom heading into this Labor Day weekend from the folks at Atlas Van Lines, who as part of their annual “King of the Road” survey — we’ve written about it in brief before from time to time — of leased Atlas operators this year offered a round-up of the most “scenic routes” noted by said operators.
Those noted contain some usual suspects as well as others that mightn’t have come immediately to my mind, given my limited experience in certain areas — or overexposure, as it were: Fancy Gap I’ve seen too many times to count, though it’s been a while. (Here’s a shout to the 101 in California, included in the infographic — and even better, California 1 along the coast between Eureka and up to Crescent City and beyond.)
Nonetheless, take a gander at those included, and in the comments below, suggest any that aren’t there that would top your scenic-hauls list from anyplace across the great U.S. of A. or up north. We’ll put them all up for a vote toward a top ten of scenic hauls in future.
A-and whether you’re on the road or home time today, here’s a tip of the hat to you for what you do. Stay safe, driver.