As noted in prior Overdrive coverage, drivers who use electronic log applications or electronic logging devices may have to deal with potential problems from e-log software programmed for the 2013 restart rules if they want to take advantage of the recent restart rollback.
Two e-log software providers, however, have already announced software updates to accommodate the rollback of the 2013 provisions.

Keeptruckin announced its update Dec. 17 — the day the rollback took effect — and BigRoad announced its update Dec. 19. Both applications run on Android and iOS platforms.
Ovedrive sister site CCJ has more details on the updates — Click here to read the story.
Here are links some of Overdrive’s recent coverage of the restart rollback:
FMCSA publishes restart rollback notice, says it will publish another when rollback ends
Restart rollback: An origin story
President signs restart rollback bill: Here’s what the law requires of FMCSA
More voices on restart rollback
Hours of service changes: FMCSA says changes take effect as soon as Obama signs
34-hour restart rules to be suspended: Congress clears legislation to roll back 2013 provisions
Trucking groups urge Congress to suspend hours of service restart rules; Foxx urges otherwise