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Tag: SMS: Page 2
POLL: Independents/small fleets, do your CSA scores still matter as a condition of doing business?
Since CSA scores were pulled in 2015, Overdrive wants to know if you feel like they're still being used as a condition of doing business.
July 4, 2018
CVSA’s new working committee on crash data and investigations aims to establishment fairness, uniform practice
A motorist’s crash that didn’t touch a truck but ended up on a carrier’s record as a fatality because the motorist ended up deceased under the trailer highlights the pursuit of fairness in crash investigation with consistent reporting protocols that is among goals of CVSA’s new working crash committee.
April 27, 2018
FMCSA updates CSA SMS with new ELD violations, releases severity weights
Several middle-severity weightings have been assigned to some ELD violations for CSA SMS rating purposes, though most come with very low weights. New variations of the 395.8(a) violation now distinguish between carriers required, or not, to have an ELD in the data.
April 17, 2018
Electronic Logging Devices
Not so calm before the ELD storm
Results of the ELD “soft enforcement” period have proved less than gentle for some owner-operators. There’s also evidence of other unresolved issues as the gate opens April 1 for issuing out-of-service orders.
February 20, 2018
Channel 19
A view on the rise in clean inspections, from a state where they’re fairly uncommon
In our annual CSA’s Data Trail analysis, Indiana state ranks 10th this year in clean inspections, with less than a third of their total inspections having come out entirely violation-free over the course of calendar year 2016. But look at improvement in truckers’ favor in that metric, and you’ll see that Indiana is one of just a few states that improved in that particular metric by more than 50 percent over the preceding year.
December 28, 2017
Overdrive Extra
A shot in the arm for fixing CSA
The added weight of an objective party is welcome, especially knowing it gives Congress a clear vision of CSA problems. FMCSA has made relatively superficial changes – slowly – to CSA. It’s a shame it’s taken so many voices to repeat the call that change needs to be faster and more substantive.
August 1, 2017
Channel 19
Next steps for CSA — scores behind the curtain or not?
Will the FMCSA press forward with CSA SMS changes to bring scores back to public view or allow the SMS to remain a “half-baked solution sitting in the dark”? For the ASECTT group, there could be a third way forward for the agency…
July 6, 2017
Between cynicism and hope: Readers, associations weigh in on ramifications of CSA study
While many readers were cynical about the entire project, associations from OOIDA to ATA were hopeful that the National Academies’ CSA revision recommendations would be taken seriously by the FMCSA.
June 30, 2017
Channel 19
Update: Safety review continues trend toward the negative, non-ratable
Tom Sanderson of Transplace and the ASECTT group is right in some ways about FMCSA having “doubled down” on its post-CSA policy, particularly with respect to how it conducts safety audits in this day and age. Latest ratings-issued numbers here.
June 24, 2017
ASECTT group presses ahead on CSA, safety rating reform and other issues
In addition to its chief concern over reliance on CSA SMS scores in safety assessment, ASECTT now turns attention to reform of the safety-audit system and federal preemption of state wage/hour laws and independent contractor classification, among other issues.
June 23, 2017
Channel 19
Details on out-of-service conditions related to ELDs, come December 18
CVSA’s new ELD-related out-of-service conditions are actually footnotes regarding current OOS violations having to do with hours of service.
May 18, 2017
Channel 19
ELDs and safety: Wes Memphis weighs in
“One thing you come to learn around here is when there is the same highlighted handwritten memo on every table of the drivers’ room, in the company newsletter, on the shop bulletin board, even on the inner door of the bathroom stall, somebody done messed up good. …”
May 5, 2017
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