I sat here this morning and tried in vain to whip out a funny little piece. Something light, to offset the heavy gray skies we woke up to. It’s a trick I use to chase away days that threaten to be as leaden as they look. I figure if I can find something to laugh about right off the bat, I’m ahead a little. Sets the tone, so to say.
I’m usually successful, I don’t do too bad at making fun of inappropriate things and using dark humor to amuse myself, and hopefully, at least a few others. But today my thoughts are overcome with things that definitely aren’t funny, and my heart goes out to members of our trucking family.
We follow a lot of truckers on Facebook, and actually get to meet with some of them face to face at shows and trucking events. We don’t talk to these people every day, but we all interact and support one another – celebrate the wins and grump about the kicks to the teeth. It’s a family.
This week, a member of our trucking family, John Duggins, got the news no one wants to get when they’re a thousand miles from home. His wife was in bad shape in the hospital, and before John made it home, Deborah passed.
John is home now, and our thoughts are him as he navigates this incredibly difficult time. It’s our sincere wish that he know his trucking family is here, and we respect and recognize the sacrifice and loss he’s experienced.

Rest in peace, Debbie.