Moments before I took the above little selfie of sorts at GATS last month (in the polished hub of the J&L Contracting Blackhawk heavy-haul RGN I first got a look at closer to home in Crossville, Tenn.) I paid witness to a funny little moment approaching the familiar trailer and its associated J&L crewmembers (sitting in chairs over beyond the other side of the deck). I was walking behind an unknown person who came very close to, well, using the low deck of the custom Etnyre trailer as a shortcut around the rig.
As he lifted his right leg to step up, however, the four or five guys sitting on the other side all rose in tandem and oh no no no don’t do that….
Oops. Oh yes, thank you, the guy said, and made his way around the back of the unit, as did I. A reminder of how very mesmerizing cruising the floor of any trade show or truck show can be. (Truth be told, had he actually made it halfway across the trailer’s platform, given the tunnel-vision show-zone I was in on that last day at the Great American Trucking Show, I might have been right behind him.)
Reminder: Our 25th anniversary Best of the Best Truckers’ Choice vote, round 2, is ongoing at this link.
If you haven’t been out in Joplin today at the Guilty by Association Truck Show, take a gander through plenty views from the camera and Twitter account of our own contributing writer Wendy Parker via this post from Thursday preps and this link to her and owner-operat George Parker’s Twitter feed.

And hey, if you are there, here’s a tip: Don’t walk on any of the RGN decks on display unless asked to. Got it? OK.
Find further views of the J&L unit from GATS below. I wrote about the two units J&L brought to Tennessee in July at this link and this link.
The Etnyre Blackhawk at GATS was showing behind the 2013 "Back in Black" glider I wrote about at this link from the Tennessee edition of this year's Pride & Polish series. There, the tractor showed with a different TrailKing trailer and the Blackhawk was hooked to J&L's 2015 "Contender" 389.
A view on the glider's engine, a 6nz Caterpillar remanned for the 2013 model 389 glider. I hadn't gotten an image of the pristine works first go-round. You're welcome.
View from the rear of the trailer, fully extended -- for views of the aux axle at rear flipped up, follow this link.
View from the rear tridem group on the trailer to the back.