Take CSA challenge: Win iPad, $5,000

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Dsc 0150The folks at Big Truck TV, in partnership with AT&T, have announced a competition taking applications from potential competitors, including you, through early February. “The CSA Challenge will comprise six challengers being chosen to compete over a two-month period,” or 10 weeks, says Michael Carpentier, Big Truck TV CEO. Each challenger will receive an iPad2 with which to answer questions over the 10-week period by recording video answers, to be posted online and voted on by industry participants.

“They can be as creative as they wish,” says Carpentier, “and they can use the iPad or a digital video camera to shoot video and stills. It is up to the individual.”

The grand prize winner is the one “with the greatest number of votes,” he adds, crowned the CSA Challenge Champion and receiving the $5,000 cash prize. You keep the iPad.

If you’ve been reading my coverage of CSA via the blog and in Overdrive and Truckers News, you ought to be as expert as anybody by now. Lord knows for a while there it felt like I hadn’t written about anything else for going on a couple years. In any case, following find some links to help you bone up on your knowledge. And to register to compete in the competition, check out the promo vid and fill out the form on this linked page.

CSA resources:

Comprehensive Overdrive coverage, April and May 2011:
CSA and Safety Scores – Aprill 2011 Overdrive
CSA Part 2: Maintaining your equipment – May 2011 Overdrive
Staying ahead of the inspectors – Supplement to May Overdrive coverage

The CSA Driver’s Handbook – special late 2010/early 2011 supplemental magazine

CSA and Tire Basics – 12/11 Overdrive
When burned-out lights glare – Overdrive Extra
CSA system needs improvement, panel says – News
GAO recommends more transparency for CSA – News
Has CSA hit you? And: DeFazio’s cross-border backlash – Channel 19
Experts: Tire maintenance critical in CSA era – News
A window on FMCSA’s CSA driver-enforcement authority goals – Channel 19
Report: FMCSA wants to release driver safety data – News
Driver accountability under CSA: a video talk with owner-operator Robert Shumate – Channel 19
CSA: Compliance plus or safety politics? – Channel 19
High-risk carriers reviewed – News
CSA focuses more on drivers – News
March 22: CSA — What it means to you – Webinar
CSA Challenges – Truckers News, March 2011

Search “CSA” at Overdriveonline.com for more.

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